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Non Running TD

To: <>
Subject: Non Running TD
From: "Mike Razor" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 12:05:15 -0400
Losing ground.  Now it won't even start.  Engine turns, but won't
catch.  Regapped the points, cleaned everything in the cap, new spark
plugs, switch plug wires around, hope I did not get them out of order,
labeled them, switched caps, no start. Could the condenser cause #1
not to fire and then go bad and not let anything fire?
Also, to verify that I did not get the wire out of order:
as one is looking at the dizzy with the cap on, the top left plug wire
goes to #2 cylinder, moving to the right  that wire  goes to #4
cylinder, dropping down that wire goes to #3 and moving back to the
left that wire goes to #1.
Boy that is tough to follow!
Any and all help is appreciated.

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