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Re: Twin Cam - Re: Fwd: MGC Sebring Car / Fraud

Subject: Re: Twin Cam - Re: Fwd: MGC Sebring Car / Fraud
From: Bullwinkle <>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 19:32:39 -0600

What really torqued me off was the threat of law suit.

How many of you know about the trial of John Peter Zenger in the
English colony of New York?  In 1735 the publisher Zenger was
taken to court for criminal libel by the British colonial
governor William Cosby.  After the court disbarred all of his
lawyers, Andrew Hamilton went to aid Mr. Zenger.  Hamilton's
speech convinced the jury to find Peter "not guilty" by arguing
that Zenger had printed the truth, and that the truth is not
libelous.  This trial and other subsequent events led to the
inclusion of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.

In writing to the bidder(s) of the twin cam, I told them that:


This car is not correct.  It doesn't have the twin cam engine,
tachometer, or the twin cam's heater.  It may be a 1600 Deluxe.
However the vin number listed is entirely wrong for either a twin
cam or deluxe car, and it would still have the wrong heater for a
twin cam"

No mention was made suggesting the bidder withdraw a bid, not
continue bidding, or buy something I had for sale.  Nothing was
said about the seller of the car.

It's just that I have values which DOESN'T include the "sin of
omission" for my personal gain, especially when thousands of
dollars are at stake. Two years ago, I had my 240Z in the yard
for some repair work.  A man responding to a newspaper ad about
something I had for sale saw the car and was interested in buying
it or trading a pickup he was driving for it. (It would have been
a good deal for me as I needed a new one.  And, his had FWD)  I
have been considering selling the 240Z, but at the time the car
needed a
new rear wheel brake cylinder and other invisible work.  I didn't
want to push something that looked good, but needed correction. 
He was leaving town in a week so, I did not take him up on the

Also, consider this.  What is the quickest way for someone to get
turned off LBC ownership?

Done, Finished, Not another word, Finis.


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