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Dampers II

To: <>
Subject: Dampers II
From: "Chris Chandler" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jul 2001 23:02:49 -0400
I asked a question yesterday about the dampers and my thanks to everyone that
replied both on list and off.

I've suspected for a long time that the dampers all around needed help but it
was one of those things that could wait for a while since at this moment I
don't drive the B too often (too much work time and no play time).  This week
the car started feeling "funny" (moreso than normal) while driving around.

Armed with the answers I got from the list I jacked her up and set her on
stands and crawled under..  got the surprise of my life!  The drivers side
rear shock link was snapped in half!  And both rebound straps were shot.

I went ahead and checked the dampers (front and back), they move with no force
at all, so I'm going to take them off in the next week and clean them up and
see if it's merely lack of fluid or if they're shot.

My question this time is how do I replace the rebound straps?  On the drivers
side there's a nut and washer on the axle so that's easy, but on the passenger
side it looks like a formed piece with no nut...  is this something where you
have to cut off the end and then thread it for a bolt or something???

'70 MGB Roadster

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