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AAA's "Secret Agenda?" (Was: Re: If you were designing your

Subject: AAA's "Secret Agenda?" (Was: Re: If you were designing your
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2003 12:56:00 -0700 (PDT)
Chuck Renner SEZ -
> And AAA Plus will tow any vehicle 100 miles.

I know this may seem tangential to this conversation, but I decided
way back in the late 70s to steer clear of AAA when they became
politicised.  They came out firmly in favor of the 55 MPH "national"
speed limit and lobbied for it.  How a *driver's* organization could
be in favor of such an anti-driver law always puzzled me, and I figured
there must be some back-room wheeling and dealing going on between
them and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (an organization
that lobbies for new and more effective ways to raise the premiums of
*safe* drivers) regarding AAA's insurance program.

If they provide good towing insurance, that's fine, and a lot of
water has gone under the bridge in the last 25 years; but their
actions left a really bad taste in my mouth that all that water
hasn't dissipated.


David Breneman                     | "I don't care to belong to a club
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst    |  that accepts people like me
Airborne Express, Inc.             |  as members."        |                 - Groucho Marx

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