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Re: Dashboard

To: "Randy Widman" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Dashboard
From: David Councill <>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 12:03:07 -0600

This job is not near as bad as it sounds. There is some cutting involved 
for gauges and vents that should be done slowly so as not to overcut and 
leave a mark. Same applies to the foam. You want to install the dash cover 
over the foam/metal assembly and check for fit before you use adhesive.

On my 72B, I did some foam cutting but not too much. There are two foam 
areas - the harder foam that is part of the actual metal dash backing. And 
the softer foam that comes with the dash cover. In separating the old 
cover, I did have to cut away some of its foam that stuck to the harder 
metal dash backing foam. But the real cutting came at the top/rear of the 
dash cover area where the fabric bends over under where it connects to the 
metal overhang on the car. I tried some cutting and some sanding on that 
area but still spent less than an hour on it.

Just keep fitting and a little bit of foam shaving until you have a good 
fit, be careful not to overcut, and use the adhesive once you have a good fit.

David Councill
67 BGT
72 B

At 11:45 AM 9/21/2003 -0400, Randy Widman wrote:
>Hi Fellow Listers,
>I bought one of those replacement dashboards for my 79 MGB. The instructions
>seem sort of confusing as to how much of the old foam backing to cut away. Has
>anyone actually tried using one of these and if so do you have any tips you
>can give me.
>Randy Widman
>'79 Red B

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