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Re: Why No MGs

Subject: Re: Why No MGs
From: "David Breneman" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 09:26:16 -0700 (PDT)
mghirsch SEZ -
> I remember reading somewhere it has to do with the way they pulled out of the
> market here.  Apparently there could be legal problems with the old
> franchisees (dealers) if they brought the cars here.

It was British Leyland that stabbed the dealers (and MG) in the back.
That company is long gone.  (Well, Leyland Trucks still exists - owned
by PACCAR here in the US!)  MG has changed hands several times since
1980.  I'm sure a few opportunists will file nuisance law suits, but
they probably won't get very far.

David Breneman                     | "Far and away the best prize that
Distributed Systems S/W Analyst    |  life offers is the chance to
Airborne/DHL Worldwide Express     |  work hard at work worth doing."             |               - Theodore Roosevelt

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