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[Mgs] Spin-On Filters (was Paper or Felt Filters)

Subject: [Mgs] Spin-On Filters (was Paper or Felt Filters)
Date: Thu, 6 Sep 2007 14:49:38 EDT
After reading the responses to my posting on paper versus felt filters, I'm  
thinking maybe the best solution is to replace the stock filter arrangement 
with  a spin-on filter.  It occurs to me that the increased oil pressure  
associated with felt filters might be due to oil passing by the filter without  
actually going through it.  In the case of the filter I recently removed,  it 
crammed so tightly up against the filter canister, that I could see no  way 
oil could have passed through the filter.  Maybe with the paper filter,  there 
is an actual passage of oil through the filter element, and thus a  lowering of 
the oil pressure  With a spin-on filter, there would certainly  be a passage 
of oil through the filtering element, as the internals are  rigid.    I would 
think, too, that the modern materials in a  spin-on filter would allow a 
filtering action without reducing the oil  pressure.
Any thoughts on this?
Bill Wilkman

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