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Re: [Mgs] MGB indicator switch

To: <>, <>, "Barrie Robinson"
Subject: Re: [Mgs] MGB indicator switch
From: "Paul Hunt" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2010 10:15:52 +0100
What year?  There were at least three different types of cancelling.

For the early and middle types the cancelling peg/cam has to be between the 
cancelling fingers of the switch i.e. facing the switch (not at the top or 
it will give different characteristics right to left).  Early columns had a 
screwed peg, and the column needs to be rotated in the UJ to get that right. 
Middle columns have a cam which is a tight fit on the outside of the column, 
but can be slid round to the correct position.  Later columns are completely 
different.  On early and middle the wheel should only need to be turned 
about a quarter turn in either direction from straight ahead for the peg or 
cam to pass under the finger, lifting it out of the way, then when 
straightening up it should press on the end of the finger to push the switch 
back.  Newer middle switches with the integral plastic fingers can be iffy 
in that the tips of the fingers aren't close enough together (poor 
moulding), so that on the way back the cam doesn't engage them deep enough 
and the finger just pops up out of the way.  I had to build up my cam with 
solder to get it to work reliably with a new switch.


----- Original Message ----- 
>I cannot get my newish indicator switch thingy to self cancel. 
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