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[Mgs] RPM's on my B

Subject: [Mgs] RPM's on my B
From: paul.hunt1 at (Paul Hunt)
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 09:27:52 -0000
References: <20110313225448.1KAEK.39402.imail@eastrmwml47>
Presumably it starts off idling relatively normally (although 1100 is much 
higher than normal) then drops after a while.  Is this a gradual drop?  Or a 
sudden drop?  It's fairly normal for HSs to drop gradually if left idling 
for a long time, especially in hot weather, as they heat up when idling and 
don't have the temperature compensation of the HIF.  However a starting 
point of 1100 should be more than enough to stop it stalling unless left for 
a very long time indeed.

If it drops suddenly this can be caused by sticking throttle spindle/s, 
linkages, cable or pedal.  While it's still idling high press each carb in 
turn down onto it's stop and see what happens.  Your should also have a 
slight amount of free-play in the throttle cable, where the finger on 
throttle shaft touches the choke shaft, if the carbs are hanging on the 
cable as this heats up it will expand which will also cause the idle to drop 
slowly.  However if blipping the throttle just before it stalls makes it 
idle at 1100 again for a few more moments then it won't be that, but 
something sticking.

That's where I'd start anyway, although a number of other things including 
timing going retarded for some reason will also cause the idle to drop.


----- Original Message ----- 
> I've had a problem on my 71 "B" for years now, that is to say my RPM drop 
> drastically while idling at a stop light or the car is just sitting and 
> idling, normally it starts out about 1100 then a few seconds later my 
> RPM's drop to around 500 or lower, then I have to pull the choke just to 
> keep the car running

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