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[Mgs] Pos radio / neg car

Subject: [Mgs] Pos radio / neg car
From: paul.hunt1 at (Paul Hunt)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:59:13 +0100
References: <>
The radio *should* work with the memory feed connected to a fused permanent 
live, and the power to a fused ignition switched live, so the radio is 
automatically switched off when the keys are out.  If you are saying that it 
only works when both are connected to one of those, then the other must not 
be working i.e. not supplying 12v.  When both are live they are both the 
same power source anyway i.e. the battery.  OTOH you could connect both to a 
fused permanent live and just remember to switch it off when you leave the 


----- Original Message ----- 
>I have owned a pos ground MGA for years with a neg ground radio. Isolated 
> the mounting under the dash. The radio has a main power and an aux power 
> to
> keep station memory and time. The radio will only work when both power 
> cables
> are connected to the same power source. Should I run a  extra cable for 
> power
> for the aux? Any ideas?

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