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[Mgs] MGA Starter Motor Color

Subject: [Mgs] MGA Starter Motor Color
From: barneymg at (Barney Gaylord)
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 02:33:57 -0500
References: <>
Originally red, but all replacement units are black because they are 
used in may different applications.  Therefore black is period 
correct for replacement parts, perfectly fuunctional as is.  If 
youi're going for a concoursd show car, then make it red.

Barney Gaylord
1958 MGA with an attitude

At 09:31 PM 9/20/2011 -0400, wilkmanracing at wrote:
>.... about the starter motor in my MGA that ran slow .... I took to 
>motor to Jerry Felper of British Auto Electric.  Jerry 
>identified  several issues that needed to be corrected on my lazy 
>motor and he rebuilt it to a very high standard.  Now I'm wondering 
>if I should paint the motor dark burgundy to match the engine or 
>leave it black as delivered.  Does anyone know what was originally 
>done at the factory?

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