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Fund progress

To: admin
Subject: Fund progress
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 00:23:07 -0700
Geez, if I had known how much work this was gonna be, opening envelopes,
recording addresses, signing checks and such, I might have just taken one
of the other options and pulled the plug!

I still have about a dozen envelopes to open and record, so the current
count doesn't reflect those.  But the chances are good that once entered
they will bump the number of donations to over 100 [well, since there are
currently 99 recorded, it won't take many more to hit 100] and if they are
close to the average donation [$28.29] will bring the current total of $2,801
to over $3,000!  I wish selling my Suburban would have had such good results.
Anyone need a slightly beat, but basically sound tow vehicle?

You folks have done well so far.  I did get a recent quote for a used HP710
machine, similar to my 712/80, for about $2,900 plus shipping, so we are in
the ballpark for getting a dedicated workstation.  But this doesn't mean you
should not send in a contribution of you were meaning to do so.  The more
funds collected, the faster and better the server can be, to improve the
overall performance of the list.  The last few weeks are seeing definite
overload problems with the majordomo scripts and forking enough sendmail
processes to keep things flowing smoothly.  So buying more memory will always
be a help!  Plus I would like to keep some reserve on hand for maintenence
need that may come.

So far my two favorite contributions were from one fellow who sent in a
check for the server fund, and two 12 oz donations to the beverage fund.
The other was a check for $23.50, to cover $5 for the contributor, $5 to
cover three non-contributors for $5 each, and $3.50 to buy myself a pint.
But since having posession of an alcoholic beverage on which the Utah tax
has not been paid, I certainly can't recommend you ship actual containers
of such, even if they are securely wrapped and padded, unable to slosh around
and no clue as to the contents is labeled on the box.

To remind you, send your contributions, checks made payable to
"Fat Chance Garage" to

    Fat Chance Garage
    PO Box 58333
    Salt Lake City, UT  84158

And to the approximately 3% of list readers who have contributed to date,
my sincere thanks!  And yes, I am about 90 or so acknowledgements behind!


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