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Morgan Mirrors

Subject: Morgan Mirrors
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 07:07:53 EST
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

Regarding the issues of mirrors, Morgans did have mirrors from the
they were, in fact, the suction cup mirrors.
 Using spit,  water or anything like that will almost always result in
the mirror falling off the windshield. The best product is glycerine
from the drug store.  Even with a really old suction cup the glycerine
will keep it stuck up there.

For one of my mirrors which had a bad suction cup. i used a piece of
thin rubber sheet ( I think it was an old bicycle inner tube ) and
glued it over the cup. After the  glue dried, I trimmed it back to the
old cup circumference with scissors. It gave the sealing side of the
cup a new face which doesn't loose its suction.

In my early Morgan days before I found the suction cup mirror I had a
pedestal mounted mirror ( I think AH 3000 s used them) . Rather than
drilling new holes in the cowl  to mount the mirror I used a piece of
aluminum and mounted the base of the mirror to the aluminum  which in
turn had holes for mounting under the two Lift the dot studs in the
center  of the cowl.

I myself prefer the suction cut mirror,  just as I prefer the air
bladders in the seats.  To me its part of the charm of the Morgan.

I also want to thank everyone for the input as to fixing my turn
signals.   I'll let you know how it turns out.

Bob Nogueira 

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