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Re: A Road Story

Subject: Re: A Road Story
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 1997 04:57:08, -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #3.1a ] --

On  Thursday, 16-Jan-97 06:19 PM
: Gregory Petrolati    wrote:
>         We take a dim view of TR baiting, Here at Standard Farms...>:-
[ How 
>         many Pintos can plow a field, pull a stump AND turn decent
>         autocrossin'?

Which is the perfect segue to my favor Morgan story.

Several years ago I was traveling  in the Morgan through rural Oklahoma 
( like there's a "Urban Oklahoma" ?)  when i saw  J&R's Tractor Parts
and Service  .  Now J & R may service tractors but it basically looked
like a farm tractor wrecking yard. 

Having always heard  the Vanguard (TR) engine was used by Massey
Ferguson but having never actually seen one, I figured I'd stop and take
a look around  to see if I could spot something familiar.

Now those tales of the friendly westerners are to some extent
exaggerated    and old 'J' of J&R could shame any New Yorker worth his 
egg cream.       When I pulled in he came out from the tin barn which 
housed the "service" end of Parts and  Service.   Looking at the Morgan,
 he walked around it slowly, never saying a word or letting a smile come
close to his lips  but studying it as if it was at the county fair freak
show.  Seeing the intensity  of his scrutiny, and by this point
wondering if he may not be mute, I opened the bonnet for his inspection.
 When his eyes hit the engine his first words were released ,  "GOD DAMN
that's a MF M-F engine"!!!!. ( One set stands for Massey Ferguson)

With that I asked him,  in my best southwestern good old boy  voice,
 "Ya' got any in back? "     
 "Got a row of them over by the south fence", he responded trying to
regain his  Clint Eastwood demeanor.
 Mind  if I take a look ?  I asked 

"Go ahead"   

  Seeing that old 'J ' was not going to be a great source of
conversation,  I headed to the south fence.  Once I was away  from the
building I heard old 'J ' telling someone in the building ( I assume it
was 'R') ,
 " that SOBs running a Massey Ferguson engine in that g** d*** little
German car."

Having viewed the tractors,  yes the engine blocks look the same but the
head and bolt-ons  are different,  I returned to the car where  J&R were
both examining the Morgans engine. 
As I approached they  straighten up, and re-assumed the ' Clint
Eastwood'  demeanor of never show them you care .

'J' asked,  " find what you need ?

"Nope ! Maybe next time ." ( hey I've seen all those Eastwood movies too

  With that they  turned and  walked back to the tin barn, and I latched
the bonnet and headed down the road.

I 'll bet somewhere in eastern Oklahoma whenever the topic of engine
swaps comes up at  Bubbas' Beer and Bar-B-Q,  ol'  J & R still tell the
boys about  the crazy ass  guy  who put a tractor engine in the German
sports car.

 If you're ever traveling west out of Silom Springs  and see J & R
Service,  stop in and tell them the SOB with the Mercedes-Ferguson say 

Bob Nogueira

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