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Re: any beef?

To: <JCarey4NGs@cs.com>, <woodrat@spacey.net>, <grbyrns@ucdavis.edu>, <mgraziano@mindspring.com>, <RBHouston@aol.com>
Subject: Re: any beef?
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 02:19:10 -0400
Cc: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Do you travel tens/hundreds/thousands of miles to attend car meets?? When 
you get there is the topic of conversation only about the cars? When you 
get to see somebody that the last time you saw them was at the same meet 
last year, but you struck up a friendship that might last for years? Is 
the only thing you have in common a freaking car??

Think about it.

The only real beef I have is the lack of including a "Was re: any beef 
Now no LBC what so the freaking ever" comment in the subject. For your 
comments the list will get blasted with about 247 posts about "this is a 
community" (including this one) or "hit delete" or "Drop off" (please 
don't). I am as guilty of the next person about not changing the subject 
line. And I apologize about that. Too damn easy just to hit the reply - 
or reply to all and type away. 

We have here something unique in the world. A small group of folks that 
have a singular common interest. (wanna guess what that is?). Yea maybe 
we get to chatting too much sometimes, but then if we are not driving - 
for whatever reason - be it weather is bad, too much salt on the road, 
the parts aren't here, Lord Lucas smacked me, The x gear in my Datsun 
tranny won't fit in my rib case what can I do, why is there a cotter pin 
in the bell housing, what is the best cat to use as a floor jack, which 
was Zappa's best song (Billy was a mountain BTW) what color of calico cat 
makes the best wheel chock/car polisher? 

We are not driving the cars that bring us together. So what the hell else 
are we supposed to do?? Talk to the SO, Wife, dad, mom, sister, brother, 
aunt, uncle, neighbor, man on the street? Those that have no idea about 
the passion we have for these uniquely older british autos? We have a 
group here, albeit a rather small one, that has the passion to drive, 
restore, fix em up daily, any freaking old Spridget that we can find. I 
have sole possesion of my Midget due to circumstanes and an email that 
was written about 3 years ago about that passion. There is a wealth of 
information about these cars that is probably obtainable no where else on 
the planet. Yea we go off topic once in a while, but if you have a 
question about a Spridget, there is no better place than here to ask. 
Lets see, Spridgets were made on an island for about 24 years (and trust 
me, I will get corrected if that is wrong) but there is about 100,000 
years of experience here. That includes those that just bought their 
first one last week. 

So if you don't like the camarderie that shows up on this list, I 
personally am sorry, But I wouldn't miss it for the world. Stick around!! 
And learn how to hit Delete.

PS don't give me no bull about too durn many emails to have to put up 
with this. I get well over 300 per day including all the lists I belong 
to, and I still find time to weed the wheat from the chaff.


>>>>On 6/29/00 6:57 PM so and so (JCarey4NGs@cs.com) said. (And I quote:)

>I really enjoy the wonderfully jokey comments to many postings, but i for 
>would like to see such comments included ONLY in meanigfull responses.  If 
>people feel like doing a two liner comment with no information to benifit 
>list, they could be made directly off list.
>Anyone else feel the same....ooops, please don't answer that.  Let's keep it 
>to the Spridget subject (comments included with meaty info are enjoyable).
>John Carey
>61 Bugeye @>

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

 Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a 
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life. 

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