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Re: SU question

To: Billy Zoom <billyzoom@billyzoom.com>,
Subject: Re: SU question
From: "Robert E. Shlafer" <pilotrob@webtv.net>
Date: Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:42:56 GMT

you apparently have a mismatched set of carbs. as one has a "poppet" valve and 
does not.

Stop wasting your time with these. No good
can come of their use on your motor as they're mis-matched by design to begin 

Let's start at the beginning and see whether you can identify which carbs 
should be on that motor to begin with so
that you can obtain a pair of quality 

Is the motor you are dealing with the one
that came with the car? If so, your VIN# is
your source for correct carbs for your motor in terms of communication with a
a British (carb) parts supplier (such as www.justbrits.com fr'instance).

Cap'n. Bob      '60 :{)

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