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RE: Broken Axle Shafts

To: "Hal Faulkner" <hal@katemuir.com>, "derf" <derf247@gmail.com>,
Subject: RE: Broken Axle Shafts
From: Jeff Boatright <jboatri@emory.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 11:36:49 -0400
I had exactly the same experience.

At 8:12 PM -0700 8/17/06, Hal Faulkner wrote:
>in my case the axle broke at the inside end. leaving about 1.5 inches inside
>the differential.  There were little bits of steel floating around inside
>the diff.  No warning, when it went it was just like the car was in neutral
>except the speedometer moved with engine speed.

Jeffrey H. Boatright, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Ophthalmology
Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA 30322
Molecular Vision

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