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Re: Possible to remove hood/bonnet by oneself?

To: KrkLH@cs.com
Subject: Re: Possible to remove hood/bonnet by oneself?
From: "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2007 22:58:14 -0600
On or off use the towels as mentioned by John.  I've had mine on and
off 3 times in the past year all by me self.  Getting the right
alignment on reinstallation is the hairy part when you are alone but
I'm not sure it would be any easier with help.

Have been off line for 6 days now due to the horrible ice storm we had
here. 5 days without power. lost everything in the refrigerator!  What
a stink! Kept the pipes from freezing up with a kerosene heater.

68 Midget in Dodge City

On 1/5/07, KrkLH@cs.com <KrkLH@cs.com> wrote:
> What about putting it back on?  I have heard that it can be a real hassle
> unless the engine is out and you crouch down inside the engine compartment 
> the car is a bit lifted off the ground?

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