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Life is good, and Wisconsin Saab story - no LBC

To: <midgetsprite@yahoogroups.com>, "Jim Johnson" <bmwwxman@gmail.com>
Subject: Life is good, and Wisconsin Saab story - no LBC
From: "Peter Shull" <pdx.pete@verizon.net>
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 21:04:08 -0800
The GF just stopped by on her way home from work and dropped off a bottle of
The Glenlivet 18 year old. It's Valentine's day, doncha know.

Earlier in the evening, I read something in the latest issue of Road and Track
that caught my eye. Seems as though a gentleman from Wisconsin recently
retired his Saab 900 after 17 years of service, during which the car traveled
1,001,385 miles ... and survived 8 deer collisions. Eight. That, to me, seems
like a lot miles and a lot of deer.

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