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[Spridgets] Carb sysn

Subject: [Spridgets] Carb sysn
From: peter at nosimport.com (Peter Caldwell)
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2011 08:29:44 -0500
References: <a0fks2$d5j0l3@email.mtu.edu> <9D00E860F18B4E2BB5237B9B9177A5EA@user8634b3d69b>
In my opinion, the best synching tool is the S.U. kit with the 2 
wires. (there are other tools in the kit as well) I like it as the 
UniSyn is too variable... the reading changes as you move it around 
the face of the carbs, and it alters the carb's function as it is 
obstructing the flow.

The wires work at any RPM. They don't affect the running of the 
carbs.  They are actually giving you the relative height of the 
pistons which is directly affecting the needle height, and mixture. 
The Unisyn only gives you the relative butterfly opening which is 
valid if and only if the needles and piston weights and springs and 
piston interference are identical. The wires compensate for some of 
that. (not all as we are not actually reading mixture)

There, I've said it.   (oh, and the new Unisyns that I've seen are 
crap)  I have a selection of "Unisyns through the ages. From the 
German made Motometer, through Edelbrock, and newer.

Peter C

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