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The Big Money At Tigers United!

To: Alpines List <alpines@Autox.Team.Net>, Tiger List <tigers@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: The Big Money At Tigers United!
From: Steve Sage <rootes@ix.netcom.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Jun 1998 20:54:50 -0700
Howdy Everyone:

My good buddy Jeff Cushing has just let me know that he and Tiger
Technologies are putting up a cool $100 to be awarded to the fastest
Stock Tiger at the Tigers United Autocross event this coming weekend.
Way to go Jeff!

It's getting close and it's not too late to join in and come to the
event. Jane and I decided at the VERY last minute last year to cough up
the money and go to Tigers United in Eureka and it was one of the best
investments in fun and Sunbeam history we've ever made. Don't regret not
coming to this year's event if you can at all do it.

If you do decide to join up, don't mail your check in, bring it with
you. Do E-mail us, though, to let us know you're coming, and include
your dinner choice for Sunday (Chicken, Beef or Fish). We're moving
tommorow, but the computer and E-mail should be operational again
tommorow night or Wednsday for sure. We are leaving on Thursday for the
event and will be at the Northwoods Thursday evening. Feel free to call
us there up to 11PM. We'll let the hotel desk know where we are so ask
them to page us.

Steve, Jane & Carrie Sage

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