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Re: Pictures

To: chuck nicodemus <armorseal@iccom.com>
Subject: Re: Pictures
From: "Jay Laifman" <Jay_Laifman@countrywide.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 09:36:05 -0800

>> Jay,  Not to appear too morbid---But do you have any pictures of it
>> smashed up?
>If I rememeber what Jay had said (some what of a quote) We can set a
>large table top on it and have a pick nic? chuck

Yep, that was my wife's idea.  No, I have not taken any pictures of it
since the accident - and probably never will.

Actually, from looking at it, you wouldn't turn away and moan about another
lost Alpine.  It's only once you start looking at just how much metal has
been affected, including the ripples through the bottom and back of the
trunk, and also through the squareish tube that runs between the wheel
wells where the shocks mount on, and the need for a whole new lower
sill/valience all the way back to the rear fender, it just doesn't make
sense to pay someone to cut through it all and replace it all, when a
straight Alpine can be had for a fraction of the price of the body work.
And, add to that the problem of getting it all straight and aligned, I had
to let go.


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