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FW: some stuff to look at . . .

To: "'panteras'" <detomaso@realbig.com>, "'rmsolo'" <rmsolo@rmsolo.org>,
Subject: FW: some stuff to look at . . .
From: "Adin,David" <DavidAdin@mercydurango.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004 09:15:43 -0700
Darrell and I had a long exchange about "creative machine work" and he
offered up these images.

Steve Laifman also offered up:

Read http://www.tigersunited.com/articles/DM-LISTER/MountjoyLemans27.asp

and the other 26 pages that go with it, starting:


Which should be some interesting stuff, details and such.

have fun!

> The source should be obvious to anyone familiar with the Tigers United
> site.  That's Darrel's engine from LeMans.
> Stu

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