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Re: "Dearie, Do you remember when....."

To: John Clark <clarkjc@runbox.com>
Subject: Re: "Dearie, Do you remember when....."
From: Chris Thompson <chris@cthompson.net>
Date: Thu, 06 Jan 2005 23:40:51 -0500
Oh - Glenn Miller - he had 23 #1 hits.

It was the band Alabama who had 43 #1 hits.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming of Tiger issues.....


John Clark wrote:

> Oops - I made an error.  It should read "twenty-three #1 hits in 4 
> years" - still more than Elvis or The Beatles, though...
> - John
> B382000703LRXFE
> At 08:51 PM 1/6/2005, you wrote:
>> Here's a simple historical trivia question for you guys:
>> Who is considered to be the king of American popular music?  Here's a 
>> hint - he had forty-three #1 hits in 4 years.  That's more than Elvis 
>> and more than The Beatles....

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