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Nose Dip & available nose

Subject: Nose Dip & available nose
Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2001 11:11:19 EST
Short version, I hope.

I went to great expense to recreate my car with it's original curved upper 
lip...taking the best of an upper section and the best of the 'chin' piece.

I went through a number of these components and encountered both styles.

I too, had heard that the smooth lip was due to body filler following damage 
and it was easier to fill than straighten...but I also ran across some smooth 
lip pieces that did not appear to have any damage.

I have concluded that there was two sets of tooling. I hope someone has an 
answer to this Triumph Trivia. Always interesting stuff

I DO have quite decent nose, with smooth lip,  (bodywork would have been much 
cheaper if I had used this one) that I will not likely ever need. Contact me 
if you need one...


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