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RE: bubbles in the antifreeze....

Subject: RE: bubbles in the antifreeze....
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 17:58:14 -0800
Brad :

One possibility is a clogged radiator, causing the water pump to pull a
vacuum on the inlet side and suck air through the seal.  Not likely, but ...

Another possibility is air trapped in the system.  I'm not sure about a
TR4A, but on a TR6 the thermostat housing is higher than the radiator cap,
making it impossible to pour the system full without the engine running and
the thermostat open.

Best test I know is to remove the fan belt, remove the thermostat housing,
and fill with water (or water/antifreeze if it's already in there) so you
can see the level in the opening on the head.  Start the engine and let it
idle for a minute while you watch the water.  If you see bubbles coming up,
they're from a compression leak somewhere, most likely the head gasket
(although a cracked head can do the same thing).


Brad Kahler wrote :
> How about it, any ideas on what else to look for besides a blown head
> gasket?

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