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RE: Listers age--No LBC content--

To: <>, "'Scott Tilton'" <>, <>
Subject: RE: Listers age--No LBC content--
From: "R. Ashford Little II" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jan 2003 12:23:37 -0500 id h08HRARO027966
Well my story is the opposite of what you guys are describing.  I was
given a car to go off to school in at the age of 18.  When I was at the
dealership picking up the VW, I looked across the parking lot and saw a
white TR6 (all the cars I see are white for some reason) in the used car
area.  This was in 1981 btw.  

I took a long look at it from a safe distance and decided that I SHOULD
NOT under any circumstances walk over there.  If I had it would have
been all over.

This was a good decision since I kept the VW for 7 years after that, but
treated it like the proverbial "red-headed step-child."  If I had come
home with the TR6 at that point, then I can guarantee that it would have
suffered a similar fate and there would be one less Six on the road.

So by waiting an extra 20 years, I figure that I was helping everyone
out by not destroying a Triumph.  Well now, I've got one and while it's
not perfect, it's also not subject to the shenanigans that I would have
put it through at a younger age.

This is not intended to be a slight to anyone younger than I who owns a
Triumph; I was just not what you would call a responsible driver in
those days.  

R. Ashford Little II

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 11:51 AM
To: Scott Tilton;
Subject: re: Listers age--No LBC content--

In a message dated 1/8/2003 11:05:00 AM Eastern Standard Time, Scott
Tilton <> writes:

>In 1986 when I was 16, I got my first car  a 63 TR4.
>Wrecked it a few months later . . . still have some of the parts
>Bought a 64 TR4 a couple days later.  
>Now its body is up on stands in the garage.
>All its parts are in boxes on the shelf.
>Got another 63 TR4 a year or so later.  (That would make me a Three TR4
>by age 18)

Sounds eerily familiar! How many of us had Triumphs at age 16 and still
do? Dad already had his Herald (his second Triumph) when I turned 16. I
picked up my own Herald a few months later, then another as a parts car
when I wrecked the first one.  Then a year or so later, Dad and I
decided to put away his Herald for future restoration and picked up a
used Mk3 Spitfire. I was 17. It just continued from there, getting worse
with each year.

Ironically, I still have and am restoring that parts car and Dad's
original Herald 34 years later, and I also still have a few bits of the
other cars...along with far too many other cars and bits.

See what you "youngsters" have got to look forward to? :-)

--Andy Mace

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