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Re : engine tilters

Subject: Re : engine tilters
From: "Rick Barnard" <>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 19:56:52 -0500
Hi Bill,
        I've always hoisted engines with a chain fall and a length of 
wire rope bolted to the lifting eyes.  Recently I splurged and bought 
an "engine tilter" from JC Whitney.  How much ceiling height do 
you have?  I considered the Oberg, but from the pictures it looks 
like it needs more height than the JC Whitney tool which can be 
attached to use only about 6 inches.  Page 169, latest catalog or

        I've used it three times since (on the TR6, a Mazda truck 
and a 194? Auburn) and it makes the job considerably easier, 
especially on a TR6 where the engine bay was sized for a 4 banger.  
You can start with the engine tilted back, get the transmission and 
bellhousing under the cowling, and then tilt the front down onto the 
motor mounts.  It's not magic, but makes wrestling a 500 lb. lump  
that much easier.

                Hope this Helps

                        Rick   1973  TR6  CF2570U

> Hi listers
> What's your experience with devices like the "Oberg Tilt Lifter" or
> the "Engine Tilt Sling" It seems to me they would be very useful with
> engine removal and installation with my TR3. Bill Quincy Wichita Ks.

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