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Re: Monza exhaust

To: SamuelsMA@aol.com
Subject: Re: Monza exhaust
From: "Robert M. Lang" <lang@isis.mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 09:15:48 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 SamuelsMA@aol.com wrote:

> Listers:

[stuff deleted for brevity]

> --Is there a way to quiet the system a little?  

Not that I'm aware of. In the old days, we used to stuff steel wool into
mufflers that had rotted baffles, but the packing used to blow up the
first time you TROMPED on it.

I would say the best fix for a Monza system is either replacement or a
quality set of earplugs. I wear my earplugs when I drive more the 20 min
or so - I keep a set in the map pocket on the driver door and a package of
the foam ones in the passenger map pocket for any lucky passengers.

> Can you stuff 
> fiberglass down the outlets into the muffler area?  Can the system be opened 
> in some way and stuffed?

See above.

The thing to remember here is that the "stuffing" that is used in mufflers
is held in place with metal baffles. Anything that you put into the
airstream is subjected to hot gasses travelling out the pipe essentially
at the speed of sound. You need to hold that stuff in somehow.

Now, if you are totally into cobbling things, I'd suggest that you could
get a better sound by replacing the Monza resonator tips with something
else, but I'm at a loss at what to suggest.

My solution for next year will be a custom pipe setup.


Funny side note - at the VTR Mid-Atlantic Regional in 2000, I was
autocrossing my street TR6. The starter asked me "What do you have in
there? It sounds different than all the other cars." Well, the Monza
system (well used, I might add) plus turning 6500 RPMs might make it
sound a bit different!

I had fun sliding around on my Yokohama A509's, though. Yee ha! 

> Thanks.
> Michael Samuels
> SamuelsMA@aol.com
> '70 TR6 PI

Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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