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Nice Day for A Ride in the TR6

To: 6pack <6pack@autox.team.net>
Subject: Nice Day for A Ride in the TR6
From: Tommy Thompson <segerguy@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 18:11:32 -0800 (PST)
It was a nice day for a ride today here in the Los Angeles area.  Temps near 70 
with lots of sunshine!  I couldn't resist, so off we went for about a 50 mile 
trek.  All was fine.  It seemed like "Mini-Me" didn't want to come home, I 
didn't either but had some other chores to do.  Hey Dick T, I was riding around 
Downey near the Stonewood Mall on Imperial Hwy.  I was stopped at a light on 
Lakewood and an SUV pulled up next to me with some teenagers in it, they asked 
if they could snap a picture, I said sure and gave them the piece sign :)  It 
was a great day!

Happy New Year to All and Happy Motoring!

Tommy Thompson  1973 TR6 CF1892U



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