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Re: Chasing a short

To: Dwayne Cooper <dcooper@paciolan.com>
Subject: Re: Chasing a short
From: Walt Boeninger <walt.boeninger@hp.com>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 14:09:34 -0700
Dwayne Cooper wrote: 

> I'm a little week on theory here, but if I cut off my battery and then apply 
>my mulitmeter between the negative post and ground it reads about 12 volts.  I 
>would think that this reading should be zero.  If this is correct then I 
>should be able to go around disconnecting things looking for something that 
>will change that voltage to zero.  Can someone confirm that I'm on the right 

Assumption:  Your battery cutoff is on the Positive side of the battery.

Then if you measure between the NEGATIVE post and ground, you better read 0 
volts since they are the same point electrically.  You will measure 12 volts
between the POSITIVE post and ground......

... or did you mean AMPS?  If you did mean AMPS, that's a hell
of a current draw....

So first we need to know exactly what the battery cutoff is cutting
off and exactly what you are measuring.   

Walt Boeninger  
Hewlett-Packard - Cupertino

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