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Re: [6pack] Headlamp switch placement question

To: lang@isis.mit.edu
Subject: Re: [6pack] Headlamp switch placement question
From: "James_ TR6" <jattr6@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 18:23:47 +0000
yeah, it probably is.
sorry. funny how i just thought of this today, but forget
i actually own the original owners manual and these silly things are
most likely stated in there. i suppose what really prompted this question
was a couple years ago i bought a new headlight switch from TRF.
well, the icons for the parking and headlights were not matching
the wiring connectors in the back. so basically, if the headlight icon
was pressed IN, the lights were OFF...or something like that. basically
i had to take the switch apart and flip to match the original switch.

so i was just plain confused.

thanks and sorry for the silly question.


>Ummmm - this is in the owner manual, isn't it?
>Or is this a trick question?
>On my '74, when the top of the rocker switch is pressed in, the lights are
>off. The middle position is parking lamps and the lights are on when the
>bottom is pressed in.
>Bob Lang              Room N42-140Q            |  This space for rent
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