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Re: ["Hillman - " Re: hillclimb]

To: "jon" <>, "Greg Locke" <>,
Subject: Re: ["Hillman - " Re: hillclimb]
From: Jan Eyerman <>
Date: 8 May 2001 15:16:40 EDT

Hmmmmm have you considered getting patches made and then selling them??? "NZ
Humber Racing Team".  In fact, I bet if you wrote up your racing history with
it and sent to the various Rootes clubs, they would all print it and help sell
your patches. Just a thought to get some sponsership money! I bet British car
magazine would publish it if you included a bunch of pictures.


"jon" <> wrote:
This message forwarded by the Hillman List.

Hey, we need to get a patch embroidered to celebrate!  Something like the
big car companies have - perhaps "HUMBER" across the top and "Racing" coming
up from the lower left to the upper right in script.  Anybody have any
patch-making connections??

Jon Arzt
Omaha,  NE  USA

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Locke" <>
To: "Alpine list" <>; "Hillman list"
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 7:00 PM
Subject: hillclimb

> Well the fastest Humber 90 in the world just successfully completed
> Aucklands highest profile classic hillclimb.
> Gained 11th place out of 28 in the classics, against a field consisting
> mainly of TRs, race escorts, Mustangs, HSVs, BMW 2002s etc. Was the second
> oldest saloon competing. First place was a MG metro 6R4 group B rally car,
> 2nd a MG sebring replica, and 3rd a BMW 2002 turbo. Get the picture?
> The best part was the number of people checking out the car, reviving old
> memories, and being impressed to see it perform so well to boot.
> Thanks to all the advice and help I get on the list with regards to its
> performance enhancements and general maintenance.
> Its an achievement for all of us to savour!
> Greg
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