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Fw: Whats wrong with this car

To: "alpine list" <>
Subject: Fw: Whats wrong with this car
From: "dougb" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 01:35:21 -0800
In my strombergs, I have had the screw holding the needle lossen off.
When I accelerate the needle would fall causing back firing.
It would not fall enough to drop out of the piston and would idle just fine.

Hope this helps.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Mottram" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 6:54 PM
Subject: Whats wrong with this car

> Help,
> The Alpine was running fine then all of a sudden
> started started to sound like it was running on 3
> cylinders when I accelerate, idles ok-ish.  Backfires
> through the strombergs if I open it up all the way.
> Usually this was due to my dual stroms becoming un
> syncronized because the "doo Jobby" that connects the
> throttle shafts would loose up.  Any suggestions?
> Also, its been a while since I rebuilt the stroms, but
> the center part of the air piston that the needle goes
> into slides up and down within the airpiston as it
> floats.  Is this the culprit or is it supposed to do
> that?
> Thanks,
> Chris

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