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Strange Sightings

Subject: Strange Sightings
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 12:56:03 EST
In yesterday's mail, received the monthly, staying-in-touch, letter from a 
local realtor.  Included was a nicely printed sheet concerning setting and 
obtaining goals apparently published by some websites that charge a nominal 
amount to help individuals with such efforts.  What caught my eye though was 
the picture in the lower right hand corner of a man and woman traveling down 
the road in a small convertible.  The woman's arms are raised in joy.  There 
is a suitcase behind the passengers.  The view is from a few feet up and 
behind the vehicle so only the hood, windshield and part of the dashboard are 
visable.  Maybe crazy, but think it is an Alpine.

But wait, there's more ...

Yesterday's mail also included the January issue of Spectrum magazine, 
published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.  As I 
thumbed through it, spotted an ad for group insurance that featued the same 

Best guess is that it is owned by some image supply source.  Suspect it will 
show up in other spots.  Too bad there is nothing to show identify the marque 
as the picture does capture some of the joy of driving the Alpine.

Anyone else spot this image?

   Al Figler
   Series V - B395008421 LRX
   Woodinville, WA USA

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