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Dash installation

To: <>
Subject: Dash installation
From: "Bill Mounce" <>
Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 07:34:13 -0400
Good morning all

In the next little while, I will be putting the dash back into my SV.
Whether or not the lamination works out, well, well see.  That having been
said, is it easier to install the cubby hole on the dash prior to the
installation, or after?   Or do I have no choice, must it go on first?  I
have a new one, which will be a bit of a cut and fit operation, in my case
meaning a lot of glue!  Also, having messed around with trying to get my fat
fingers to assemble the oil pressure gage in situ, I also assume it is best
to put the gages in the dash prior to installing the dash into the car.

Thanks, bring on the good weather!

Bill Mounce

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