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[Alpines] Question About Tiger Subframe

To: "Boxweed" <>
Subject: [Alpines] Question About Tiger Subframe
From: "boxweed" <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 21:46:56 -0400
Does anyone know for sure whether Sunbeam Tigers came from the factory with a
reinforcement channel welded over the X-frame in the area where the tailpipe
passes through the X-frame?  I have seen a couple of very original unrestored
Tigers recently with no rust and no evidence of rust repair, but both had
nearly identical 10 inch metal channels, including the holes for the tailpipe
pass-through, welded to the X-frame on both sides in that area.  I had always
thought that these pieces were welded on by body repair men because of rust in
those areas, but neither of the two unrestored rust-free cars I recently saw
had any evidence of rust in that area or any other area, which made me start
wondering if maybe this was a factory procedure.

Thanks in advance!
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