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Re: Benefits of living in KC

To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>
Subject: Re: Benefits of living in KC
From: "Jamie Sculerati" <>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 16:45:28 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Linnhoff <>

>Let me restate that earlier thought.  Actually the CARB _would_affect my
>Neon.  Since it's a 49 state emissions legal car and not a California
>emissions car, I'd have to pay a "polluters" tax upon moving to sunny
>California.  Or if I had purchased a California spec emissions legal Neon,
>likely it would have had a little less power due to their emissions

Hmm.  I looked up the spec for my Prelude.  49 state:  160 hp, 156 ft-lbs
torque.  California:  160 hp, 156 ft-lbs torque.  Must be a Mopar thing. :)

>>Sure they can.  It's called "All cars prior to 1974 are exempt from
>>testing."  And the CARB doesn't seem to be stressing the drag race crowd
>>there -- I see plenty of pictures of blown, nitrous-enhanced West Coast
>>on the newstands.
>I'm no expert, but doesn't that apply only to "stock" cars?  How about hot
>rodded cars with big blocks, lumpy cams, multiple carbs and farily open
>exhausts without catalytic convertors?

You can find me one of these built after 1974?  I'm in!

>They have tornadoes on the coasts.  But their tornadoes have lots of water
>in 'em.  ;^)  Our tornadoes just have run down El Caminos and cattle flying
>around in them.  ;^)

Strictly an east-of-the Rockies phenomenon.  And I'm getting back west as
soon as possible....  :)

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