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Re: Why DOT? Why not slicks?

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Why DOT? Why not slicks?
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 10:42:53 -0500
DG asks:

>Why do we require DOT race tires? Why not allow race slicks too?

I believe that, historically, it was more related to safety than
to any other factor. A stock car with unmodified suspension and
the lateral grip that slicks can provide becomes a real threat to
go Tango Uniform. As DOT tires have gotten better, the difference
is less extreme, but it's still there. I know one
nationally-competitive SP driver who went to Prepared, which
required him to fit narrower rims and add weight to his car, but
he still beat his old class by more than 2 seconds at his first
Nationals in Prepared. He is convinced that the difference was
due to being able to run slicks.

As for slicks in SP, I'd be all for it. I suspect the idea won't
fly politically, but I'd love to be proven wrong.


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