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Re: ST @ Evansville (STU also)

Subject: Re: ST @ Evansville (STU also)
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1999 09:48:07 EDT
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 13:55:54 -0400
From: Vince Bly 

<<OK, Ok, ok,

        I think Howard was right!  There just aren't enough
serious Street Touring competitors out there to justify a
class at Nationals.  Just maybe I have the badest Street 
Touring car on the planet!  I'm running ST at the Evansville
Tour and expect to win!  In fact, I'm so confident that I'm
willing to contribute money, equal to my entry fee, to a 
winner-take-all pool!

        Do you think I'm over-confident?  Would you like to
knock me down a peg or two?  Do you think you have a faster
Street Touring car?  GOOD!  Maybe you're right--just come to
Evansville and prove it!>>

I like your spirit, and I am willing to do something similar for STU. I have 
not seen ANY STU results in Sportscar yet, so I hope there is at least 
another coming so I am not un-contested. I have no way of knowing if I have 
"THE" car for this class, as I have not had anyone try me yet. The STU rules 
are very vague, so it will be interesting to see others interpretations of 
them. I had been running my car in EMod due to my motor mods, but it is 
street registered and driven, and has passed Illinois emissions tests for 4 
years. I am actually hoping to run it through the IM240 test BEFORE the 
Evansville tour so no one can say it won't pass. I run the catalytic 
convertor all the time, even when I was in EMod. There has to be some blown 
Hondas or turbo Neons that want to come and play, let's show them we are 
serious about this too. I'll put up 20$ to a winner take all pot in STU. Any 

Gary M.

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