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Rules,tire warmers,various rambling

To: <>
Subject: Rules,tire warmers,various rambling
From: "The Christianson's" <>
Date: Tue, 3 Oct 2000 12:39:19 -0500
Greg Said...
We worry way to much about rules, and not enough about what is fair.

I agree. There is no way to cover every situation with a rule.  Every time
a rule is made, someone wants to change it or do away with it.  
Someone always wants to go to the next level to get an advantage. (IMO most
of these advantages are only in the mind of the competitor)  I would like
to see two or three of the top drivers get brave and run with out a
co-driver.  IMO they will do just as well, on most days the additional heat
is gone between the two drivers, and other days the tires are overheated
and loose performance.  Same goes for bags of ice on the manifold...I have
to believe by the time the hood is shut and the car is at idle for a minute
or two on the way to the line everything is heated back up.  Now if you
packed the entire engine compartment, front and back of the radiator, and
drained the oil and put new, cool, oil in after each run....

I know exactly the advantage I need to get over my competitors...I need to
drive better.

Jeff ( when in doubt...overdrive ) Christianson
#65 EM

Oh yea, one other question...don't the reflective blankets reflect the heat
from the sun that a nice black tire would soak up????  Maybe everyone
should get a large piece of the reflective stuff and form it into a
bowl...then remove the wheels and tires between runs and put them in the
"bowl" in the sun.

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