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Re: Roll Bar Rules Changes - Serious Stuff Here!

Subject: Re: Roll Bar Rules Changes - Serious Stuff Here!
From: "Arthur Emerson" <>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 17:01:02 GMT wrote:
>The roll bar rules we have currently, suck.
>As far as I can tell, we have:
>- a ruleset for Stock
>- a ruleset for Street Prepared (and thus SM by inheritence)

Maybe I'm going nuts, but I seem to recall reading something
in the latest FastTracks about allowing weld-in cages in
stock classes for 2001.  Just something you might want to
check into, unless that's what provoked your post.  I'll
admit to having only skimmed both.....

-Arthur ("Didn't read the full DG manifesto" edition.)


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