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FW: How many year does STS have to be a "Supplemental class" (Reply from

To: <>
Subject: FW: How many year does STS have to be a "Supplemental class" (Reply from Howard Duncan)
From: "Ron Conrad" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 19:03:23 -0500
Howard thanks for sending this, I will post it on


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2000 6:48 PM
Subject: Re: How many year does STS have to be a "Supplemental class"

To: STS Drivers
From: Howard Duncan
Subject: STS status for 2001

The posted minutes of a recent SEB conference call meeting with regard to
status of the STS class for 2001 apparently have caused some concern amongst
STS drivers.

The SEB indicated in those minutes that STS would be a supplemental class at
Nationals for 2001. What would have been clearer would have been to say that
at a minimum STS would be a supplemental class for 2001. The SEB did not
approve making it a full National class at that time because they did not
have a full set of real rules upon which to consider such an approval. The
current guidelines are not in usual rule language and present the
for creative interpretations as seen by protests over the last few months.
The new ST advisory committee (STAC) has now completed a draft of rules that
converts the guidelines to appropriate rule language. The SEB will consider
the STAC's formal proposal to make STS a full National class at their next
conference call meeting in very early November. The SEB will consider both
the adequacy of the new rules and the desires of the membership on this

If you would like to make your thoughts known on this subject, please send
them to me and I will forward them to the SEB. You can send them to If possible indicate how the program is doing at the
regional level in your particular area and its impact, if any, on recruiting
new members. Please have your comments to me before the end of the month.

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