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Re: STS Tire Rules

To: <>
Subject: Re: STS Tire Rules
From: "Kent Rafferty" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2000 09:30:04 -0400
I agree with Mark here.  STS has proved to be hugely
popular and will probably be the most popular class in
autocrossing if it isn't already.  The tire issue is
problematic but certainly shouldn't prevent this class
from attaining National Class status.  Consider it a
grand experiment and the only way to bring it to
resolution is to let the tire issue play out at the
national level.

Kent Rafferty

> I'm under no illusions about the ease of enforcement
etc. for ST tires
> rules, but I don't see the effort there to be any
amount greater than the
> current stock class rules.  Even if it was harder,
the rather strong
> popularity of ST shows that its worth the effort.
> Mark

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