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Race on Sunday, Sell on Monday

Subject: Race on Sunday, Sell on Monday
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 10:27:52 -0500
Y'all might get a kick out of this.

Every Saturday night, the local riceboy cell gets together to hang out and
show off their cars just off the main street in Windsor. Every once and a
while, I'll drop by to say hi, answer questions, show off the car, and try
and get them to try an autocross.

So this weekend, I swung by to see what they were up to. The usual crowd
decended on the car - and I got a suprise.

It seems that I've had a larger impression than I thought - almost all the
cars there were on Kumhos. How do I know that it's my car that made the
impression? They told me. In fact, they couldn't _wait_ to tell me! (Hey!
How's it going? We all went out and got Kumhos too!)

Now, the fact that Kumho hasbeen advertising (via the 'Rack) a whole ton
lately, and the fact that the Kumho street tire is pretty affordable, I bet
had a lot to do with it too. But even so, this is the first time where I've
had direct evidence that displaying the signage on the car can lead
directly to sales. And straight from the horse's mouth with no prompting
from me, even!

And it's a nice little bit of ego-boo too. :)


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