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RE: Dennis's Agenda

To: "Richard Atkins" <>
Subject: RE: Dennis's Agenda
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2001 09:24:30 -0400
> Dennis said"
>> I DO NOT want to screw the SP people.
>> That is NOT part of my agenda. If it turns out to be impossible to mix
>> classes a la Marcus's proposal without screwing someone, then the idea

> I have been reading all of this and if the above is your true opinion
> it doesn't fly. No way this works without screwing the SP people.

OK, fine. Thanks for your input. <- and no, this isn't sarcastic; I mean

> My only other comment is you knew this would cause a lot of comment so
> let it get to you?

Comment is *fine*. I posted the idea because I wanted to see the comments.
I wanted to see where the objections lied. I had guesses as to what they
might be, but I wanted to hear them from the horse's mouths.

When Marcus first told me the idea, my initial reaction was something like
"Well, it's a good idea from a rational and logical point of view, but no
way are the reactions to it going to be based on logic and somber

It turns out that I was somewhat uncharitable to some folks. I got some
very well-measured, polite replies to the idea in private mail - some for,
more against. Thanks guys, you provided what it was I was looking for.

But no way was I expecting personal attacks of the likes I saw these past
couple of days.

There's nothing at all wrong with disagreeing with an idea - it's not like
everything that comes out of my head is a gem (even though this one wasn't
even mine!) - and it's through open discussion of ideas that the good stuff
comes to the surface. It matters not the least to me that *I* be "right";
what matters is that the **idea** be right - or at least, "most correct" or
"the best compromise". That requires discussion and debate. That's how SM
came about, if y'all remember.

It is really sad though that some people feel the need to attack the person
behind the idea, rather than the idea itself. A certain someone has lost a
lot of credibility with me.

What's really kinda funny about that is that we just finished a huge debate
on the SM list over an idea that this person raised - namely, that given
that SM does not require emissions complience, that the requirement for a
current plate is both uneccesary and perhaps even a little bit dangerous. I
have argued against that position in the past, but have come to realize
that I was in error, and have been arguing his viewpoint to the rest of SM.
The universe, it seems, has a sense of humour


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