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RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?

To: "Eric Linnhoff" <>,
Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] annual tech and online rules?
From: "Andy Hollis" <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 11:46:56 -0600

This sounds like quite a rigorous expectation just for regional
competitions.  Some things to consider:

1) Not all participants of SCCA regional competitions are SCCA members.  In
fact, in TX my estimate is that less than half are.  How will you "tax"
those folks?

2) What do you do about novices ("Sorry, but to have fun with us today
you'll need to add $75 for membership to that $20-30 entry fee")?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Eric Linnhoff []

> It's simple.  Really, it is.
> If there is no actual requirement in the current rules for each Solo2
> participant to have in their possession a current Rule book, as is often
> written into an event's Supplemental regulations, then there should be one
> written ASAP.  There are enough rules in the book that require frequent
> referencing to the rule book for clarification purposes, that to
> not require
> each participant to own a rule book is absurd.
> We then raise the annual dues of members participating in Solo2 events the
> same amount as is normally charged for each year's Solo2 Rule
> book, plus one
> buck to cover media-rate postage.  When the next Solo2 rule Book is
> available it is automagically mailed out, complete with delivery
> confirmation, to each member who has paid for it.

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