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Re: San Diego Tour and course lining

Subject: Re: San Diego Tour and course lining
Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2000 01:42:39 EDT
Interesting that you should bring this up. I was going to pose the same 
question. Although I personally don't watch the lines, I'm seeing the 
situation through different eyes. I'm training a rookie who had major 
problems that the course was chalked on the outside in addition to smaller  
cones. Because of this, she hit cones on every run. Granted that this was her 
first big event, she has been doing better and not hitting cones locally. I 
can see how rookies who travel out of the region and even the old fossils 
could have a problem picking up the course thinking that the chalk is on the 
inside when it's on the outside. Believe me, I do not teach her to follow 
lines. If this is going to be the way nationals chalks courses and our goal 
is to train nationally competitive drivers, then we need to be doing it like 
the rest of the WORLD. 

So Charlie, add this to the agenda for tuesday.


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