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Re: Barry's V6

To: Andy McKee <>,
Subject: Re: Barry's V6
From: Barry Spencer <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 15:05:47 -0700
Andy, It's four wheel drive . Buick V6 for the front, and Mazda for the 
rear.. :>))))))    Maybe a three rotor engine would be cool?.........400hp 
without turbo :>))))))) I just need to find another 7" in the engine 
bay...  Barry S

At 02:48 PM 10/24/00 -0700, Andy McKee wrote:
>I was just reading Sportscar's "coverage" of Nats and saw that Barry Spencer
>was running a Buick V6!  And here I thought it was a turbo rotary since it 
>"Turbo Mazda" in the picture with the article. Way to fool them Barry! 
>Some day
>you're going to have to explain how you made a V6 make turbo wastegate
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