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Choosing a Miata

Subject: Choosing a Miata
From: "John J. Stimson-III" <>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 12:59:46 -0700 (PDT)
I have a question for the Miata drivers on the list.  Which would you
choose as an only car, which you of course will autocross:

Base model with suspension package only (Torsen, big wheels, sport
     springs & sways, chassis bracing)
LS model with suspension package, 6-speed transmission, and ABS

My question really is whether it's worth moving up to an LS in order
to get antilock brakes.  Or whether the 6-speed transmission is enough
of an asset on its own to help with the decision, rather than just
compensating for the added weight of the LS.  I may take it on ski
trips a couple times a year, but mainly the purpose of the ABS is
improved stopping and control onwet or dry pavement here in the south
Bay.  That, and as a crutch on the autocross course.

There's no point in sabotaging me by telling me to get the slower car,
either.  I'm going to really suck, after 10 years in front-drivers!

I already checked the Solo2 Nationals B-Stock results.  Were any of
the high-placing 5-speed cars LS models?

Thanks in advance for any and all facts, anecdotes, and opinions...                                              John Stimson                              HMC Physics '94

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